# Meeting 246 - Ian & Phil

No Date Next Meeting Members
246 16 May 2024 14:00 23 May 2024 14:00 Bob, Kai, Wang, Ian, Phil

Topic Discussed

  • Ian institute of applied health reserach, University of Birmingham
  • Phil Aston University
  • comparison
  • selection of a time window
  • speech pathlogy
  • selection from day view to treemap view


  • Bob set up a meeting with with Sarah Beach for open access
  • user option: toggling curves in treemap
  • domain expert section updated with Cody's comments


  • archive meeting recordings on onedrive
  • annotate minutes of meeting
  • add bar to tooltip indicating duration
  • update colormap option for day+detail views based on first threshold value encountered
  • add quotes from Ian and Phil to writing
🔄 Last Updated: 5/26/2024, 7:36:14 PM